
What Can I Use It For?

The University of Toronto has licensed TechSmith Snagit as the institutional lecture recording solution to provide screen and audio recording. Resulting videos are saved locally on the computer where they were recorded and can be shared via streaming services such as U of T Libraries’ MyMedia or Microsoft OneDrive).

TechSmith Snagit is available to Faculty, Staff and Students with a valid UTORid.


This Academic Toolbox tool helps you...
Teach from a Distance
Typical course activity format:
Synchronous or Asynchronous
Quercus integration
Non-Integrated Tool

Where can I get more support?

Related resources / similar tools

Centrally Funded
Special Notes

TechSmith Snagit is not compatible with classroom podium computers. To record lectures at a classroom podium, please use a laptop with Snagit installed.

TechSmith Snagit is available to Faculty, Staff and Students with a valid UTORid.

How to Get Started

The University of Toronto has licensed TechSmith Snagit as the institutional lecture recording solution to provide screen and audio recording. Resulting videos are saved locally on the computer where they were recorded and can be shared via streaming services such as U of T Libraries’ MyMedia External Link icon or OneDrive External Link icon.

Scroll down for more information

How to Use This Tool

  • Get TechSmith Snagit

    Get TechSmith Snagit

    1. Visit the Academic, Research & Collaborative Technologies Snagit License site here External Link icon and log in with your UTORid and password.
    2. Complete and submit the form.
    3. Download and open the installer. Follow the steps as shown.
    4. Copy the Snagit Software License Key shown on license site.
      Note: This license key is private and owned by the University. Do not share or distribute this license key with others.
      Snagit licence
    5. Launch Snagit 2021, select Enter Software Key, and paste your license key in.
      Snagit Software Key field
  • Record a Video

    Record a Video

    1. Launch Snagit 2021.
    2. Select the Video tab on the left.
    3. Choose whether you would like to record a region of your screen or a specific window, along with the webcam, cursor, and system audio.
      Select area of screen to capture
    4. Click the Capture button (a large red circle at the right) and then select an area of the screen to record, such as the entire screen (Fullscreen) or a particular region.
    5. Click the red, circle Record button to start the recording. You can also adjust audio and webcam settings, or restart and cancel the recording.
      Click the record button to start the recording
    6. Click the blue, square Stop button to stop recording.
      Click the square stop button to stop the recording
    7. The recording will open in the Snagit 2021 Editor. You can preview and trim unwanted sections of the video using the media controls at the bottom.
    8. Click the blue Share button at the top right and select File to save the recording to your computer.
      Select Share button at the top right and select File to save the recording to your computer
  • Share a Recording

    Share a Recording

    Once the video recording is saved on your computer, you can upload it to any file sharing or video streaming service to then be shared with others. Institutionally supported services include the Libraries’ MyMedia External Link icon or OneDrive External Link icon.



  • Creating a Course Tour using Lecture Capture Software

    Best use video with Avi Cohen – discussing how to use screen capture video, host the video, and share the link.


Last Modified:

21 July, 2023

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