
What Can I Use It For?

three people sitting in front of table laughing together

Hypothesis (hypothes.is External Link icon) is a collaborative annotation tool (or social annotation tool) for groups to annotate web pages, documents, and other digital content.  Instructors can use Hypothesis in Quercus as part of learning activities and/or assessments.

This guide will help you get started with Hypothesis as an instructor.

This Academic Toolbox tool helps you...
Connect & Communicate
Typical course activity format:
Synchronous or Asynchronous
Quercus integration
Integrated Tool

Where can I get more support?

Related resources / similar tools

Centrally Funded
Special Notes

Currently Hypothesis is in a limited pilot phase and is not fully supported.

To get Hypothesis enabled for a course on Quercus, send a request (External Link icon) for each individual course in which you will be using Hypothesis.

When selecting the content source to use for your reading, it is recommended to choose “Enter URL of web page or PDF” to enter a publicly-viewable URL, or “Select PDF from Canvas” to select a file from your Quercus file repository.

How to Get Started

To get Hypothesis enabled for a course on Quercus, send a request (External Link icon) for each individual course in which you will be using Hypothesis.


  • Using Hypothesis in Quercus

    Using Hypothesis in Quercus

    • Hypothesis-enabled readings can function as ungraded learning activities when added to Quercus Modules.
    • For graded assessments, where you want to use SpeedGrader to provide feedback on student annotations, use Hypothesis-enabled reading in Quercus Assignments.
  • Set up Readings through Modules

    Set up readings through Modules

    1. Browse to Modules from the navigation menu on the left.
    2. Select the plus sign at the top-right corner of your chosen module.
    3. Choose “External Tool” from the “Add” menu, and then choose “Hypothesis”.
    4. Select the digital content source for your reading. It is recommended to select “Enter URL of web page or PDF” to enter a publicly-viewable URL, or “Select PDF from Canvas” to select a file from your Quercus file repository.

    Drop down box shows External Tool selection

    Select Hypothesis as the external Tool

    To access Hypothesis from the Module, you will be prompted to authorize the tool.  Select “Authorize” to continue

    Alert box reminder to authorize Hypothesis

    For more screenshots and information, visit Add Hypothesis Readings to Modules. External Link icon


  • Set up Readings through Assignments

    Set up readings through Assignments

    1. Browse to Assignments from the navigation menu on the left.
    2. Select the plus sign at the top-right corner to create a new assignment.
    3. Choose “External Tool” from the “Submission Type” and then select “Find“.
    4. Choose “Hypothesis” from the list of external tools.
    5. Select the digital content source for your reading. It is recommended to select “Enter URL of web page or PDF” to enter a publicly-viewable URL, or “Select PDF from Canvas” to select a file from your Quercus file repository.

    Select Submission Type of External Tool and then select Find External Tool URL

    Configure External Tool - Hypothesis

    To access Hypothesis from Assignments, you will be prompted to authorize the tool.  Select “Authorize” to continue.

    Alert box reminder to authorize Hypothesis


    For more screenshots and information, visit Add Hypothesis Readings to Assignments. External Link icon

  • Grade student annotations

    Grade student annotations

    1. Launch the SpeedGrader from Assignments or Gradebook.
    2. View student annotations in the assignment preview on the left.
    3. Enter grades and feedback in the SpeedGrader.
    4. Select “Submit” to save grade and student feedback.

    Hypothesis in Speedgrader

    For more screenshots and information, visit Grade Hypothesis Annotations. External Link icon


Last Modified:

9 January, 2023

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