U of T Teaching and Learning Calendar

Why Civil Discourse Matters to Teaching and Learning?

Facilitator: Randy Boyagoda, Vice-Dean, Undergraduate, Professor, English Department, FAS, Provostial Advisor on Civil Discourse, University of TorontoIn this talk, Professor Randy Boyagoda, Provostial Advisor on Civil Discourse, will discuss the importance of civil discourse at university as a way to overcome divides, conflicts, and extreme positions between members of the same academic community, and particularly within […]

Introduction to SoTL: From Curiosity to a Research Question (Part I)

Facilitator: Cora McCloy, PhD, Faculty Liaison Coordinator, SoTL, CTSI   The scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) helps us avoid what Shulman (1999) described as “pedagogical amnesia,” the many things about our teaching we forget from one term to the next. SoTL enables us to capture insights into our teaching in a way that allows us […]

Generative AI Virtual Drop In: Getting Started with Microsoft Copilot

Join us for an interactive virtual drop-in for University of Toronto instructors and staff. This is your opportunity to get hands-on experience with Microsoft Copilot, a powerful generative AI model that has been approved for use by the University.Focus: Our primary goal is to familiarize you with the process of logging into Copilot using protected […]

Microteaching (In-Person)

Name: Robarts Library Rm 4035 Address: 130 St. George St. Toronto ON M5S 1A5

GenAI Works in Progress Series: Promoting Students’ GenAI Literacy through GenAI-Incorporated Assignments in Education-Related Courses

Facilitator: Ji-young Shin, Assistant Professor, Language Studies, UTMThis session aims to introduce how to design assignments that incorporate generative AI (GenAI) to promote students’ GenAI literacy—specifically, the effective, appropriate, and critical use of GenAI for teaching and learning. The session will share authentic example assignments from four courses within the education and language-teaching programs at […]

Test Email

Name: Robarts Library Address: 130 St. George St. Toronto Ontario M5S 1A5

Test Email

Test Write Email

Name: Robarts Library Address: 130 St. George St. Toronto Ontario M5S 1A5

Test Write Event

TLS Mini-Series: Family Friendly Classrooms

Name: Blackburn Room, 4th Floor Robarts Library Address: 130 St. George Street Toronto ON M5S 3H1

Facilitators: Joanne Lieu, Graduate Professional Development Coordinator, FASE J. Sparks, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Sociology & Anthropology, University of Guelph Interactive Workshop Student caregivers navigate different challenges in postsecondary spaces than their non-caregiver peers (Bleakney, 2014; Sinha, 2013). With the additional role of being responsible for the well-being and health of a loved one, and at times more than one […]

    Event Categories Legend

  • Centre for Community Partnerships
  • Centre for Faculty Development
  • Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation
  • Digital Learning Innovations
  • Donny - Event Category
  • Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering
  • Faculty of Arts & Science
  • Laura's Cert
  • Office of Vice-Provost, Innovations in Undergraduate Education
  • Teaching Assistants' Training Program
  • Teaching, Learning and Technology (ARC Support)
  • Temerty Faculty of Medicine
  • University of Toronto Libraries
  • University of Toronto Mississauga
  • University of Toronto Scarborough
  • Reset
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