U of T Teaching and Learning Calendar
Monitor-Side Chats: UDL-ing in Winter 2024: UDL Guideline 9: Self Regulation (accessing action and expression)
Name: CTSI Room 4035 Address: Robarts Library, 4th Floor 130 St. George Street Toronto Ontario M5S 3H1Discussions about practical applications and concrete strategies of Universal Design for LearningFor March 8th session: learn more about UDL Guideline #9: Provide Options for Self Regulation (https://udlguidelines.cast.org/engagement/self-regulation)The average student does not exist. So, how do we design learning environments that maximize learning for all students?Universal Design for Learning (UDL) (https://udlguidelines.cast.org/) is a framework for minimizing barriers […]
ACUE Lunch and Learn Series: Active Learning or Taking Apart the Classroom, Virtual or Otherwise
Facilitator: Dr Christopher N Payne, Department of Language Studies, English and Chinese Translation ProgrammeTraditional conceptualisations of learning generally posit a classroom, whether in-person or virtual. This entails a limited mobility; students are either seated in a classroom, or they are seated in front of their computers, tablets, laptops. How do we therefore encourage active, participatory […]
Monitor-Side Chats: UDL-ing in Winter 2024: UDL Guideline 3: Comprehension (building action and expression)
Name: CTSI Room 4035 Address: Robarts Library, 4th Floor 130 St. George Street Toronto Ontario M5S 3H1Discussions about practical applications and concrete strategies of Universal Design for LearningFor March 15th session: learn more about UDL Guideline #3: Provide Options for Comprehension (https://udlguidelines.cast.org/representation/comprehension) The average student does not exist. So, how do we design learning environments that maximize learning for all students?Universal Design for Learning (UDL) (https://udlguidelines.cast.org/) is a framework for minimizing barriers […]
Monitor-Side Chats: UDL-ing in Winter 2024: UDL Guideline 6: Executive Functions (internalizing action and expression)
Name: CTSI Room 4035 Address: Robarts Library, 4th Floor 130 St. George Street Toronto Ontario M5S 3H1Discussions about practical applications and concrete strategies of Universal Design for LearningFor March 22nd session: learn more about UDL Guideline #6: Provide Options for Executive Functions (https://udlguidelines.cast.org/action-expression/executive-functions/executive-functions)The average student does not exist. So, how do we design learning environments that maximize learning for all students?Universal Design for Learning (UDL) (https://udlguidelines.cast.org/) is a framework for minimizing barriers […]
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- Digital Learning Innovations
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- Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering
- Faculty of Arts & Science
- Laura's Cert
- Office of Vice-Provost, Innovations in Undergraduate Education
- Teaching Assistants' Training Program
- Teaching, Learning and Technology (ARC Support)
- Temerty Faculty of Medicine
- University of Toronto Libraries
- University of Toronto Mississauga
- University of Toronto Scarborough
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