U of T Teaching and Learning Calendar
ACUE Lunch and Learn Series – Pedagogy of Care: Community Building Practices
Facilitators: Maria Assif, Professor, Teaching Stream, English Department, UTSCSafieh Moghaddam, Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, Department of Language Studies, UTSCThis session reflects on the pedagogy of care in post-pandemic theories and praxes. Students and faculty facilitators will first provide a brief landscape of the most recent scholarship on the pedagogy of care. Facilitators will then share […]
Demystifying the Dossier: Preparing Your Teaching Dossier
Facilitators: Cora McCloy, Faculty Liaison Coordinator, SoTL, CTSI, Samantha Chang, Faculty Liaison, Anti-Racist Pedagogies, CTSIAt the University of Toronto, a teaching dossier must be submitted as part of the formal review process for tenure and continuing status. Beyond the information included in an academic CV, a teaching dossier describes and documents an instructor’s teaching expertise, […]
Microteaching (In-Person) – CANCELLED
Name: Robarts Library Rm 4035 Address: 130 St. George St. Toronto ON M5S 1A5Designing Tutorials to Encourage Critical Thinking in STEM Disciplines (In-Person)
Name: Blackburn Room Address: 130 St. George St. Toronto ONCCP CEL Course Development Workshop 3: Respectful and Reciprocal Community Partner Stewardship
Presented by Centre for Community Partnerships In-person, UTM In this third workshop of the CEL course development workshop series, we focus on working respectfully and equitably with partners from community, grassroots, nonprofit, or public organizations. The workshop will provide practical strategies for, and space and time to discuss and reflect on, stewarding partnerships in respectful […]
Cultivating Creativity (In-Person)
Name: Blackburn Room Address: 130 St. George St. Toronto ONMonitor-Side Chats: Explore proposed updates to UDL Guidelines 3.0
Name: CTSI Room 4035 Address: Robarts Library, 4th Floor 130 St. George Street Toronto Ontario M5S 3H1Universal Design for Learning (UDL) (https://udlguidelines.cast.org/) is a framework for minimizing barriers and fostering purposeful, motivated, resourceful, knowledgeable, strategic, and goal-oriented learners. UDL offers various guidelines for providing multiple means of engagement, representation, and action and expression. UDL is an iterative and reflective process and CTSI is here to help!Join CTSI staff and U of T […]
Empowering Chinese International Students to Overcome Initial Barriers: Leveraging insights from Culturally Responsive Pedagogy
Facilitators: Elaine Khoo, Associate Professor, Teaching Stream, Coordinator, English Language Development Support, Centre for Teaching and Learning, UTSC Xiangying Huo, Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, Center for Teaching and Learning, UTSC Recognizing that linguistically and culturally diverse English Language Learners are greatly disadvantaged when they are constantly being measured against Western academic writing norms, it is important to address […]
ACUE Lunch and Learn Series: Supporting Student Academic Skill Development
Facilitator: Jaimal Thind, Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, Mathematical and Computational Sciences, UTMWhen we design our courses, we invest a lot of effort and resources into planning what we want our students to learn (i.e. the learning objectives), how to deliver that content in class, and how to create assessments that will help students develop and […]
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- Centre for Faculty Development
- Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation
- Digital Learning Innovations
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- Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering
- Faculty of Arts & Science
- Laura's Cert
- Office of Vice-Provost, Innovations in Undergraduate Education
- Teaching Assistants' Training Program
- Teaching, Learning and Technology (ARC Support)
- Temerty Faculty of Medicine
- University of Toronto Libraries
- University of Toronto Mississauga
- University of Toronto Scarborough
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