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Name: Faculty of Social Work Address: 246 Bloor Street West Toronto Ontario M5S1V4fdsf
Facilitators: Victoria Sheldon, Faculty Liaison Coordinator, Generative AI Pedagogies, CTSIRob Huang, Educational Developer, Instructional Practices and Student Engagement, Robert Gillespie Academic Skills, Centre, Institute for the Study of University PedagogyGenerative AI tools have the potential to be used as metacognitive partners, promoting deeper levels of divergent thinking, reflection, and analysis. In this online workshop, we will […]
Facilitator: Cheryl Lepard, Educational Developer, Universal Design for Learning, Centre for Teaching and Learning, UTSC Universal Design for Learning (UDL) (https://teaching.utoronto.ca/resources/universal-design-for-learning/) is an educational framework that leverages the values of accessibility and inclusion in designing accessible, inclusive, and usable methods, materials, and environments that reduce learning barriers and welcome learner variability.The UDL Conversations Series (https://teaching.utoronto.ca/udl-conversations/) highlights […]
Facilitator: Lindsey Shorser, Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, Departments of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of TorontoDescription:Even the most motivated students can feel discouraged, distracted, or disengaged from their courses when faced with overwhelming workloads, a lack of connection to the course and its content, or any number of other obstacles. As instructors, we have the […]
Moderator: Victoria Sheldon, Faculty Liaison Coordinator, Generative AI Pedagogies, CTSIPanelists: Sophia Bello, Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, French, Faculty of Arts & Science Danielle Goldfarb, Senior Fellow, Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy, Lecturer, Master of Global Affairs program Kenneth Yip, Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, Cell and Systems Biology, Faculty of Arts & Science Join us for an […]
Facilitators: Yuxin Tu, Senior Manager, Evaluation & Assessment, CTSIAmanda Brijmohan, Educational Developer, Assessment & Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Robert Gillespie Academic Skills Centre, UTM This workshop is Part III in the 2024-25 SoTL Series and is jointly facilitated with CTSI and the RGASC at UTM. This session provides an introductory overview of design principles and data collection strategies […]
Join us for an interactive virtual drop-in for University of Toronto instructors and staff. This is your opportunity to get hands-on experience with Microsoft Copilot, a powerful generative AI model that has been approved for use by the University.Focus: Our primary goal is to familiarize you with the process of logging into Copilot using protected […]
Facilitators: Cora McCloy, Faculty Liaison Coordinator, SoTL, CTSISamantha Chang, Faculty Liaison Coordinator, Teaching, Learning & Technology, CTSIThis webinar is part of the Demystifying the Dossier Series (https://teaching.utoronto.ca/demystifying-the-dossier/). Faculty are welcome to attend one or multiple workshops in the series; recordings will be available for all sessions online (https://teaching.utoronto.ca/past-ctsi-workshop-recordings/).At the University of Toronto, a teaching dossier must […]
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