U of T Teaching and Learning Calendar

ACUE Lunch and Learn – Motivation Matters: Inspiring Student Engagement through Course Design, Feedback, and Purposeful Teaching Practices

Facilitator: Lindsey Shorser, Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, Departments of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of TorontoDescription:Even the most motivated students can feel discouraged, distracted, or disengaged from their courses when faced with overwhelming workloads, a lack of connection to the course and its content, or any number of other obstacles. As instructors, we have the […]

GenAI Works in Progress: Embracing Experimentation with Generative AI in Teaching and Learning

Moderator: Victoria Sheldon, Faculty Liaison Coordinator, Generative AI Pedagogies, CTSIPanelists: Sophia Bello, Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, French, Faculty of Arts & Science Danielle Goldfarb, Senior Fellow, Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy, Lecturer, Master of Global Affairs program Kenneth Yip, Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, Cell and Systems Biology, Faculty of Arts & Science Join us for an […]

Designing Surveys in SoTL

Facilitators:   Yuxin Tu, Senior Manager, Evaluation & Assessment, CTSIAmanda Brijmohan, Educational Developer, Assessment & Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Robert Gillespie Academic Skills Centre, UTM This workshop is Part III in the 2024-25 SoTL Series and is jointly facilitated with CTSI and the RGASC at UTM. This session provides an introductory overview of design principles and data collection strategies […]

Generative AI Virtual Drop In: Getting Started with Microsoft Copilot

Join us for an interactive virtual drop-in for University of Toronto instructors and staff. This is your opportunity to get hands-on experience with Microsoft Copilot, a powerful generative AI model that has been approved for use by the University.Focus: Our primary goal is to familiarize you with the process of logging into Copilot using protected […]

Demystifying the Dossier: Drafting Your Statement of Teaching Philosophy

Facilitators: Cora McCloy, Faculty Liaison Coordinator, SoTL, CTSISamantha Chang, Faculty Liaison Coordinator, Teaching, Learning & Technology, CTSIThis webinar is part of the Demystifying the Dossier Series (https://teaching.utoronto.ca/demystifying-the-dossier/). Faculty are welcome to attend one or multiple workshops in the series; recordings will be available for all sessions online (https://teaching.utoronto.ca/past-ctsi-workshop-recordings/).At the University of Toronto, a teaching dossier must […]

Generative AI Virtual Drop In: Getting Started with Microsoft Copilot

Join us for an interactive virtual drop-in for University of Toronto instructors and staff. This is your opportunity to get hands-on experience with Microsoft Copilot, a powerful generative AI model that has been approved for use by the University.Focus: Our primary goal is to familiarize you with the process of logging into Copilot using protected […]

UDL Conversation with Laura McKinley

Facilitator: Laura McKinley, Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and Accessible Pedagogy Coordinator, Robert Gillespie Academic Skills Centre, Institute for the Study of University Pedagogy, UTM Universal Design for Learning (UDL) (https://teaching.utoronto.ca/resources/universal-design-for-learning/) is an educational framework that leverages the values of accessibility and inclusion in designing accessible, inclusive, and usable methods, materials, and environments that reduce learning […]

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