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Community-Engaged Learning Faculty Institute, No More Smoke and Mirrors: Publicly Engaged Scholarship in 21st Century Academe – Beware the Shrinking Imagination

10 May 2023 @ 1:00 pm 2:30 pm EDT

Presented by the Centre for Community Partnerships

Join us for Professor Timothy K. Eatman’s keynote address, No More Smoke and Mirrors: Publicly Engaged Scholarship in 21st Century Academe – Beware the Shrinking Imagination

Community-engaged learning (CEL) can serve a powerful role through academe in navigating the most pressing issues of our time. It can push us to be more thoughtful about knowledge creation and its sundry sources. It challenges us to acknowledge community based and Indigenous expertise in ways that do not typically register in higher education. Evidence suggests that community-engagement is a high impact practice, when conducted in a constructively critical manner, makes the education experience better and more robust, for faculty as well as students. Yet, academe has some work to do in order to achieve these aims. Pivoting on the principles of publicly engaged scholarship, full participation and the work of imagining as frameworks for social amelioration, Dr. Tim Eatman challenges attendees to reconcile weaknesses within traditional approaches, within a liberal arts context, and to activate community-engagement with a sense of prophetic imagination. 

Professor Eatman, an educational sociologist and publicly engaged scholar, serves as the Inaugural Dean of the Honors Living – Learning Community and Professor of Urban Education at Rutgers University-Newark.

All instructors, staff, students, community partners and the public are welcome to join the virtual event. This event will be recorded.

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