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ACUE Lunch and Learn Series: Active Learning or Taking Apart the Classroom, Virtual or Otherwise

12 March 2024 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm EDT


12 March 2024
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm EDT
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Facilitator: Dr Christopher N Payne, Department of Language Studies, English and Chinese Translation Programme

Traditional conceptualisations of learning generally posit a classroom, whether in-person or virtual. This entails a limited mobility; students are either seated in a classroom, or they are seated in front of their computers, tablets, laptops. How do we therefore encourage active, participatory learning in light of such, to my mind, confining physical limitations? How can learning be expanded beyond the instructor/sending – student/receiver dynamic to produce more engaged learning?

This lunch and learn session uses the ACUE Learning module on ‘concept exploration, introduction and application’ as a jumping off platform to explore how students can be more actively involved in the learning process by doing as much as by listening. To situate the discussion on concept exploration, introduction and application and to demonstrate the effectiveness of active learning, I will use a number of my courses as examples of how students not only explored, for instance, the concept of intersemiotic translation as well as critical report writing and presentations, but also implemented these concepts beyond the confines of their classroom walls and computer screens.    

Our faculty facilitators in this lunch series have completed 25 modules and earned the Certificate in Effective University Instruction offered by the Association of College and University Educators (ACUE) in partnership with CTSI.

Learn more about the ACUE Lunch and Learn Series

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