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22 / 7022
Facilitators: Julian Weinrib, Director, Office of the Vice-Provost, Innovations in Undergraduate EducationClare Gilderdale, Special Projects Officer, Office of the Vice-Provost, Innovations in Undergraduate EducationLauren Hudak, Special Pr…
Facilitators: Justin Fletcher, Faculty Liaison Coordinator, Teaching, Learning and Technology, CTSI/ACT Nicole Birch-Bayley, Faculty Liaison Coordinator, Graduate Student Development and TA TrainingOnlineIn this webinar, we will provide tip…
Facilitator: Máiri McKenna Edwards, (pronounced mar-ee) she/her, Coordinator, Diversity, Equity & Student Experience, Department of Curriculum Teaching & Learning, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education Simply put, equity is not…
Facilitators: Megan Burnett, Associate Director, CTSICora McCloy, Faculty Liaison Coordinator, Scholarship of Teaching & Learning, CTSIThis in-person session will provide strategies for getting your course off to a welcoming and product…
Facilitators:Mike Kasprzak, Assistant Director TATP/CTSINicole Birch-Bayley, Faculty Liaison Coordinator, Grad Student Development & TA TrainingOnlineIn this session, we’ll discuss strategies for working effectively with your teaching a…
Facilitators: Megan Burnett, Associate Director, CTSIMichal Kasprzak, Assistant Director, CTSI/TATPJustin Fletcher, Faculty Liaison Coordinator, Teaching, Learning, and Technology, Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation (CTSI) and Aca…
Facilitators: Megan Burnett, Associate Director, CTSITamara Bahr, Manager, Teaching, Learning and Technology, CTSIOnline A well-crafted syllabus ensures that students understand the essential requirements for participating and succeeding in…
Facilitators: Andrea Graham, Ph.D., Learning Strategist, Academic SuccessAndrea Williams, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Director of Writing & Rhetoric, Innis College, and Writing-Integrated Teaching, FASOnline Assignments have been called …
Location: this session will be offered virtually (See MS Teams info available upon registration) Facilitators: Megan Burnett, Associate Director, CTSIMichal Kasprzak, Assistant Director, CTSI/TATP In this practical online session, participa…
The CTSI-SoTL team is excited to continue the monthly Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Journal Club Series through Fall-Winter 2022-23. The goal of this series is to provide an opportunity for our community to explore the SoTL li…
The CTSI-SoTL team is excited to continue the monthly Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Journal Club Series through Fall-Winter 2022-23. The goal of this series is to provide an opportunity for our community to explore the SoTL li…
As part of an ongoing procurement process for an Audience Response Solution at the University of Toronto, the University will be hosting demonstrations by prospective suppliers over the next couple weeks.  The prospective supplier, Tophatmo…
22 / 7022
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