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21 / 7021
The CTSI-SoTL team is excited to offer a noon-hour SoTL Journal Club Series with monthly events throughout Fall-Winter 2021-22. The goal of this series is to provide an opportunity for our community to explore the SoTL literature in a synch…
Facilitator: Reginald Oey, Accessible, Inclusive, and Experiential Learning Team Lead and Michael Nicholson, Director of Accessibility Services Unsure where your role starts and ends regarding accommodating students with disabilities? Eager…
Facilitators: Cora McCloy, PhD, Faculty Liaison Coordinator, SoTL, CTSI Clarissa Lau, PhD, Data Analyst, CTSI Faculty Presenter: Nicole Laliberte, Associate Professor, Teaching Stream, Geography, Geomatics and Environment This session is pa…
Facilitators:Alison Gibbs, Director, Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation (CTSI), Professor, Teaching Stream, Department of Statistical SciencesAvi Hyman, Director of Academic & Collaborative Technology, UofT and Institutional S…
Designing for the Future May 11-13, 2022 To review session descriptions, scroll downto TIMETABLE and select individual sessions or go to the #TLS2022 site ( for fullagenda. To REGISTER: • Click the REGISTER button i…
Facilitator: Kosha Bramesfeld, Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, Social Psychology,  Psychology Department, University of Toronto Scarborough Student co-presenters: Anuijan Chandran Ilakkiah Chandran Aiman Moeen Maduomethaa Pathmaraj De…
Presenters: Naomi Levy-Strumpf, Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, Human Biology Program, FAS Andrea L. Williams, Associate Professor, Teaching Stream, Director of Writing & Rhetoric, Innis College and WIT (Writing-Integrated Teachin…
The CTSI-SoTL team is excited to continue the monthly Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Journal Club Series through Fall-Winter 2022-23. The goal of this series is to provide an opportunity for our community to explore the SoTL li…
Online Facilitators: Megan Burnett, Associate Director, CTSIMichal Kasprzak, Assistant Director, CTSI/TATPNicole Birch-Bayley, Faculty Liaison Coordinator, Grad Student Development & TA Training In this hands-on practical clinic, partic…
Facilitators: Megan Burnett, Associate Director, CTSIMichal Kasprzak, Assistant Director, CTSI/TATPJustin Fletcher, Faculty Liaison Coordinator, Teaching, Learning, and Technology, Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation (CTSI) and Aca…
Facilitators: Megan Burnett, Associate Director, CTSI Kelly Gordon, Coordinator, Programs & Strategic Initiatives, CTSI OnlineAt the University of Toronto, a teaching dossier must be submitted as part of the formal review process for te…
Facilitator: Máiri McKenna Edwards, (pronounced mar-ee) she/her, Coordinator, Diversity, Equity & Student Experience, Department of Curriculum Teaching & Learning, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education Simply put, equity is not…
21 / 7021
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